16 July 2020 First Transnational Distance Meeting
On 16 July 2020 it was held the first distance transnational meeting for the HEROES Project - HEritage, cultural ROots and innovative peer Education Strategies. The meeting - that should have been held in Athens on 04-05 June 2020 - was attended by all the European project partners and constituted a key step to plan together the future activities for the implementation of the project's core Intellectual Output: the HEROES Model. The Model, based on the principles of the Peer Education and on the Non-Formal approach, will be composed by original Guidelines and by concrete operational indications - included in a proper Annex - useful to design and carry out specific educational actions focused on the knowledge, protection, promotion and accessibility of cultural heritage, shared at European level. The Model will be aimed to Secondary School teachers and cultural educators to make them able to create engaging, creative and interactive activities to approach and train young students to cultural matters as well as to support them in their personal development and growth. Also, the peculiar activities proposed within the Model will contribute to sustain the professional synergies between cultural institutions and Schools and to promote their mutual collaboration for educational purposes.
After a general excursus on the main results achieved during the preliminary mapping phase for highlighting the most significant practices adopted in the partner countries to bring young people closer to cultural issues and Heritage Education, the partners analyzed the first draft structure of the Model, discussing its features and goals. Then, the partners have also defined the next Model's implementation steps and planned the contents' development activities to be carried out in the next working months. During the meeting, the state of the art related to the setting up of the HEROES Online Platform was also illustrated. The Platform will represent the virtual community allowing to teachers and young people to meet and exchange each other educational experiences and considerations on the themes of heritage education. The demo version of the second Intellectual Output will be available offline in early autumn, to allow partners to enrich and animate it with the experiences that will be realized starting from the month of October 2020.